Donations & Sponsorship


Trees on the Land is working to leave a living legacy of tree cover and woodland for future generations.  The project relies on donations from the public and sponsorship from local, national and international businesses to deliver tree planting projects across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.  

If you would like to make a donation to support our work planting trees, please follow the links on the buttons below. All donations to the project are very gratefully received and help us to support more planting projects and get more trees in the ground.

If you would like to donate please click here.

Donations and sponsorship funds are used for the following:

  • Assessment, planning and design of tree planting projects.

  • Purchasing trees: We buy a large number and variety of trees each season for our planting projects.

  • Packing, labelling and distribution of trees: All of our trees are carefully labelled, bundled and packed for distribution by our brilliant packing teams. They are sent on to the planting sites via our own team of drivers or by courier, depending on the size of each delivery. We also run local collection points where trees can be collected for planting from one of our depots.

  • Planting of trees: Whilst most of our landowners plant their own trees, we occasionally employ specialist planting teams to ensure high quality planting work at larger or more complex planting sites.

  • Monitoring of trees & re-stocking: We monitor trees until they are five years old to ensure successful establishment. Any sites with significant failures are supplied with additional trees for re-stocking as needed.

  • Other costs: Coordination costs, insurance for the planting events, packaging materials, office and packing centre running costs, administration, reporting.

Notes on how our tree planting works:

  • We plant native Irish trees grown in Ireland. The most common species we plant are downy birch, common alder, oak (sessile & pedunculate), Scots pine, hazel, rowan, crab apple, hawthorn & blackthorn.

  • Trees are planted at appropriate sites as small woodlands, shelter belts, coppices, hedges, wood-pasture, parkland, orchards, individual trees, groups, rows and avenues of trees, landscape and amenity trees, reforestation and agroforestry projects.

  • Trees are planted on farms and smallholdings, at community sites, in schools and colleges, with local councils, at golf courses and sports clubs and with other landowners who look after and manage the trees as they grow.

  • All trees become the property of the landowner at the point of planting on agreement that they will be sustainably managed as permanent tree cover.

  • We don't guarantee that every tree will live to old age (though many will). We work to establish continuous tree cover that will be managed as a sustainable resource for many generations. Selected trees may be thinned, coppiced or felled in future years, some trees will blow down in storms, others may be attacked by pests and diseases. Trees drop seed and/or put up new growth from the roots; continuous cover management allows constant regeneration and permanent tree cover in the landscape.